

Our heart initially had 63 by 63 pixels and is growing one pixel bigger every time someone is lighting up a candle or is leaving a message for the victims of the Colectiv Club.

Our heart is pulsing at 1000 pixels.

By now, 1033503 people lit up a candle.

The collective heart is now 1033566 by 1033566 pixels.

It would now take 1018081 normal screens (of 1024 pixels by 1024 pixels each) arranged by 1009 columns and 1009 rows to display the whole collective heart.

See the whole heart

You may have to scroll a lot down and right to reach the edge of the heart.

You can also see a smaller version of the collective heart here:

See the smaller version

Just a quick notice...

Any comments not related to a collective tragedy or to what happened to the Colectiv Club will be gradually deleted from 1st March 2019.

Links are disbled automatically.
